Type your research in the input field to search the table (Embassy, Phone Numbers)
Embassy | Phone Number | Photo |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India External Affairs Minister SB 172 India |
+91 11 23011127 +91 11 23011165 |
India Embassy in Paris 15, rue Alfred Dehodencq 75016 - Paris India |
+33 1 40 50 70 70 | |
India Embassy in Washington DC 2107 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 USA |
+1 202 939-7000 | |
Indian Embassy in London Aldwych WC2B 4NA London The UK |
+44 20 7836 8484 | |
Indian Embassy in Berlin Tiergartenstr.17 10785 Berlin Germany |
+49 30 257 950 | |
Indian Embassy in Bern Kirchenfeldstrasse 28 3005 Bern Switzerland |
+41 31 350 11 30 |