Indian Museum

Indian Museum / Imperial Museum of Colcatta
27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Dharmatala, Taltala,
West Bengal 700016
+91 33 2252 1790
from inside India dial 033 2252 1790
Indian Museum

Starbucks Starbucks Expo at Cremerie de Paris
Museums of India

The colonial style Indian Museum in Kolkata,
State of Bengal is the oldest and largest museum of India.

The Indian Museum has a major collections of antiques, fossils, skeletons, armour and ornaments
it is It is an autonomous organization under Ministry of Culture.

Nathaniel Wallich

The Musuem opened in 1814
and was founded by Nathaniel Wallich (1786 - 1854), a Danish botanist
who was also the Museums first curator
and the founder of the Botanical garden of Calcutta.

(11:26 min) Visit of the Indian Museum

Indian Museum on Google Maps

Indian Museum seen from the courtyard

Indian Museum seen from inside

Video about the Indian Museum
