Starbucks Cafe Elphinstone Building
Elphinstone Building, Horniman Circle
Maharashtra 400001
+91 22 6656 8489
from inside India dial
0562 22 6656 8489
Starbucks Expo at Cremerie de Paris
Museums of India
Stata Cafes are located all around India.
The cafes are a joint venture between Starbucks and the Indian Tata Group.
The first tIndian Stabucks Cafe opened in the historic Elphinstone Building
located in Mumbai, Sate of Maharashtra .
Cafe opened 2012 october marked by a marked by
a 3D architectural projection on Elphinstone House.
The building is named after John 13th Lord Elphinstone (1807 – 1860).
a Scottish who was the governor of Bomaby (now Mumbai) from 1853 to 1860,
(22:45 min) Opening of the first Starbucks cafe in India
Starbucks Cafe on Google Maps
Inside the first Indian Starbucks Cafe